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Completed research projects

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An internal grant implemented as part of the ‘FU2N - Fund for the Improvement of Skills of Young Scientists’ programme. The FU2N competition is aimed at first- or second-year doctoral students of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Łódź and young scientists.
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Human echolocation is a confirmed and relatively well-documented phenomenon which allows blind persons to localize obstacles or perceive layouts of their surroundings using reflected sounds. Recently a number of studies have been devoted to analyzing the mechanism of echolocation and various factors affecting it, e.g. why some blind persons more easily become expert echolocators or how the mouth-clicks produced by experts differ from the average person.
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Objective: design and construction of an automated high-resolution device for automatic 3D modeling and analysis of the patient's skin surface and for the identification of pigmented lesions for secondary prevention of skin cancer.
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Voice is the basic interpersonal communication modality and is of particular importance in such professions as teacher, journalist or conference center employee. Early diagnosis of occupational voice disorders is becoming one of the health priorities. Current international standards emphasize the need for comprehensive voice assessment in phoniatric examinations. In recent years, techniques for recording laryngoscopic images have been developed, including the sequence of images of vocal folds vibrations. Effective methods of computer analysis of such images are being developed. These techniques contribute to the objectification of phoniatric diagnostics.