Interactive sonification of images for the visually impaired
The main aim of the research is to compare and validate algorithms for interactive sonification of images by blind people. The research is intended to identify algorithms that allow for the most unambiguous and rapid interpretation of images explored by a blind person by touch.
One of the primary barriers encountered by blind people is access to graphic information, including photographs, maps, drawings and pictures. There is a need to develop effective methods for converting visual information into sensory cues accessible to blind people. This project is aimed at extending and acquiring new knowledge in the presentation of visual scenes to blind people using the senses of touch and hearing. The research hypothesis of the project is as follows: it is possible to develop tactile gesture-controlled sound schemes that allow a blind user to correctly interpret the image displayed on a touch screen.
Research project funded by the National Science Centre of Poland under grant No. 2015/17 / B / ST7 / 03884.
Project leader: prof. p. Strumiłło
Years: 2016 – 2018
Project type: NCN OPUS 9
Key publications resulting from the project:
- Radecki A., Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumillo P., Interactive Sonification of Color Images on Mobile Devices for Blind Persons – Preliminary Concepts and First Tests, Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon 2016) December 15-16th 2016 CITEC, Bielefeld University, Germany
- Skulimowski P., Owczarek M., Radecki A., Bujacz M., Strumillo P., Interactive Sonification of the U-Disparity Maps of 3D Scenes, Interactive Sonification Workshop (ISon 2016) December 15-16th 2016 CITEC, Bielefeld University, Germany
- Borowiecka I., Skulimowski P., Bujacz M., Radecki A., Strumiłło P., Interaktywna sonifikacja obrazów dla niewidomych – badania pilotażowe, Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, Wydawnictwo SIGMA-NOT, t. 9, str. 98-101, 2016.
- Radecki A., Bujacz M., Skulimowski P., Strumiłło P., Interactive Sonification of Images on Mobile Devices for the Visually Impaired, 21st IEEE Conference on Signal Processing - Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Application (SPA 2017) September 20-22nd 2017, Poznań.
Project website: ISON