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[2015 – 2017] Sound of Vision

Authored on

Natural sense of vision through acoustics and haptics. Sound of Vision: audio and tactile mapping of environmental images.


The aim of the research is to develop a personal electronic system that enables a blind person to orient themselves spatially and move independently (

The ‘Sound of Vision’ project will design and manufacture a unique electronic system for auditory and tactile ‘imaging’ of the environment to blind people. A non-visual presentation will be built, updated and presented to a blind person continuously and in real time. The system will serve the blind as an electronic assistant and guide (indoors and outdoors) warning of obstacles and describing the environment.

Sound of Vision

Team: prof. P. K. Strumiłło – kierownik; dr inż. Przemysław Brański; dr inż. M. Bujacz; dr inż. Paweł Poryzała, dr inż. Dariusz Rzeszotarski; dr inż. Piotr Skulimowski; mgr inż. Mateusz Owczarek, inż. Maciej Janeczek; inż. Katarzyna Sprawka

Years: 2015 – 2017

Project type: Horyzont 2020, European project - Horizon 2020; development research

Key publications resulting from the project: