Programme name: ‘Things are for people/0043/2020’ under the government's Accessibility Plus Programme.
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2022/45/B/ST7/02820 project funded by NCN in the OPUS 23 competition. System cooling is an important problem in modern electronics. Among the most typical solutions that allow heat to be dissipated from the surface of electronic circuits to the environment is the use of a heat sink with forced gas or liquid flow.
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An internal grant implemented as part of the ‘FU2N - Fund for the Improvement of Skills of Young Scientists’ programme. The FU2N competition is aimed at first- or second-year doctoral students of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School of the University of Łódź and young scientists.
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Radio monitoring system for firefighter activity and physiological status
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Project 6509/B/T02/2011/40. Hardware supported magnetic resonance angiography simulator for validating methods of quantitative analysis of the vessel system.
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NCBiR Project
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Numerical modeling of the cerebral arterial and venous blood-vessel system in macro- and mesoscale based on 3D MRI data
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LOKKOM Project, PBS2/B3/24/2014
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Natural sense of vision through acoustics and haptics. Sound of Vision: audio and tactile mapping of environmental images.
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Development of numerical methods for modelling and estimation of kidney perfusion using magnetic resonance imaging